Enrolling in dressage classes continues


Enrolling in the kür class’ video qualification continues until 30.4.2023 and expands to more competitors: You can enroll straight to the finale with previous competition experience until 31.5.2023!

If you have enrolled to qualification on 11.4. or before, you will receive email from us within a few days.

There are still 4 open places to kür. Open places go to the fastest enrollers.

Minimum of 50% result in video qualifications will guarantee you a spot in the finale.

You can enroll straight to the finale until 31.5.2023 if you fulfill one of the conditions:

–  you have an approved, at least 50% result from kür finale from Finnish Championships 2018-2023

– You have at least 50% competition result from a GP- level class that has been held within 12.6.2022-31.5.2023. and judged by an official judge of the Finnish Hobbyhorse Association. 

The enrolling continues and expands immediately. You will find more information from our website!

Photo: Saija