
All help, from little to big, is happily welcomed!

Finnish Hobbyhorse Championships 2025 is again the all time biggest hobbyhorse event in the world. Even with thousands of hours of volunteer work, the competition needs a lot of concrete work during the event.

Dear hobbyhorseist, hobbyhorseist’s parent/grandparent/godfather/godmother/other corresponding adult, we need your help to make the event happen!

The volunteer recruitment will start later, but in the meantime, you can check out the various volunteer roles here. Stay tuned!

Volunteering, according to its name, is not a paid job. For volunteers who work about 6 hours we will provide a warm meal and coffee at the arena for free, a free ticket to Saturdays event and a T-shirt.

There are many different volunteering tasks with different schedules and for different ages. Volunteering is part of the magic of the event, and volunteers often describe the team spirit as special.

There are whole families involved. Underage volunteers are their guardian’s responsibility. Volunteers without a guardian must be over 14 years old.

All the volunteers must fill their own registration form. If you want to change only a few parts of the registration, cancel your first registration and fill a completely new one. Inform us about your availability and commit to the jobs that you have registered to. If changes occur, inform us as soon as possible. Questions and other communication happens through email keppihevostensm@gmail.com.

We will be in contact with all the volunteers about the schedule and more precise information at the end of May at the latest.

Volunteering jobs

Checks in the event visitors and works as a ticket seller and in the cloakroom. Requires the age of 18 or over, trustworthy, ability to operate money and payment devices and customer service skills. Would be good to be present on Friday evening and Saturday 8:00 – 19:00, but the actual work is concentrated on Saturday morning and day.

Amount: 6 people

Lobby workers’ assistants, who among other things changes the wristbands and takes care of other things that help with the lobby work. The work is concentrated especially on the Saturday morning 8:00 – 12:00.

Amount: 3 people

Lifts the poles on the course and flags the starts/ends. Work happens during the showjumping classes on the competition day. Volunteers have to be committed to work during the whole class.

Amount: about 14 people

Many different types of tasks for all the ages. From carrying the furniture to arranging and different kinds of smaller tasks, like putting up the start lists. On demolition work, dismantling and cleaning the event place.

Amount: A lot, all different kinds of volunteers are needed!

Setting up flowers and other decorating chores

Requires ability to use computers and Excel, timing, announcements in Finnish  (also we’re looking for an assistant with ability to do English announcements for International-class). Tasks can be shared with the judge. Inform us if you could also work as a judge in a possible emergency (for example if the judge gets sick). Age limit 15 years old.

Sign up for volunteering!

Signing is possible throughout the whole spring, though preferably before May. As of now, almost all applicants will be let in as volunteers. The volunteer team will be in contact with all applicants by May.