More than a hundred tables for merchants in large sales areas in Halls A and B.
Registration as a merchant opens on February 1st 2025 at 23.00.
At the event there will be a sales area for over a hundred merchants! Merchants’ tables can be found in both Hall A and Hall B. There will be tables of different sizes available for enthusiasts, companies and associations.
Please reserve cash as a customer, as only some of the merchants have a card payment option. You can find sales products in advance on Instagram under the tag #smmyynti25.
The list of the merchants will be available on 10.5.2025.
The maps of the sales areas and the placements of the merchants will be available 1.6.2025
Merchant tables reserved
- Payment received
- Payment not yet received
Myyntipöydän numeroTable number | MyyjäMerchant | MaksuPayment |
1 | Rosiedressage | |
2 | Tähtipöly & Ikutihku | |
3 | kht_voikukkatukka | |
4 | Kht Neliapila | |
5 | OnkamoRoyalHorses | |
6 | Kisatalliastrea & Kisatalliwifhals | |
7 | Tmi. Ompelupalvelu Annika Keski-Koukkari | |
8 | Kht Wildwind & Beautifulhobbyhorses | |
9 | Kht Fortuna | |
10 | Kht Susa | |
11 | Loikka & Corazon | |
12 | Cataractanponit | |
13 | Kht RaRa | |
14 | Leed Design | |
15 | JHNahkanurkka | |
16 | Kht Semina | |
17 | Showtalli Nuhasukka | |
18 | Swallahobbyhorses | |
19 | Kht Banditø ja Kht Liljaofficial | |
20 | Myyntitalli Säihkyvä | |
21 | Kht Tuulenvire & Kht Aamukaste | |
22 | Hobbyhorse Generation | |
23 | Kuurakukat | |
24 | Nipsushobbyhorses | |
25 | Talja Equipment | |
26 | Keppihevostalli Andantino | |
27 | Kuusikon talli | |
28 | Haze Horses | |
29 | Havupolku | |
30 | Sannishorses | |
31 | Talviruska | |
32 | Bit Production LBS | |
33 | Kht Hoju | |
34 | Love My Horse | |
102 | Kht_aurinkorinne | |
35 | Pientuuli | |
36 | Ponitalli Kewilan | |
37 | Violetinpuskaponit & khtusvavuori | |
38 | Kht Komba ja Muikkuoja | |
39 | kuunvarjon.hevoset | |
40 | Espoir | |
41 | Ponitalli.Marshfield | |
42 | Estetalli_Lilac | |
43 | kht_ml | |
44 | Nasux Hobbyhorses | |
45 | Kht Kaikkienkaveri | |
46 | Tiitu Aalto | |
47 | Almanhepat | |
48 | Nemira Hobbyhorses & Tupasvillanhevoset | |
49 | Estetalli Järvenranta & Kht Acvarade | |
50 | Kht Cerira | |
51 | Kht Ratsukko | |
52 | Kht_Fury | |
53 | KhtStarHorses | |
54 | Kht Wonderday & Winner Horses | |
55 | Kht Hoprelli | |
56 | Kht Shiny | |
57 | Kultaturpa | |
58 | Estetalli Komeetta & Starhobbyhorses | |
59 | Crazyhobbyhorse | |
60 | Redine Hobbyhorses | |
61 | Kultasade | |
62 | Atin kilpatalli | |
63 | Unelmatarha | |
64 | Kht Deelia | |
65 | Les Hobbyhorses | |
66 | Elli Parpola | |
67 | Kht Silkkiturpa | |
68 | Luxurioushobbyhorses | |
69 | Syysuni | |
70 | Alizeh_hobbyhorses | |
71 | Kenttätalli Amazon | |
72 | Wenlas Hobbyhorses | |
73 | Arja Jylhä-Ketola | |
74 | Mimetic Hobbyhorses | |
75 | Kenttätalli Lyydia, Lyydian ruusukkeet | |
76 | Gegen Talli | |
77 | Kht Tuisku | |
78 | Kht Sinikello | |
79 | Sirpan Superninjat | |
80 | Kht Miniponit | |
81 | Orvokkihobbyhorses | |
82 | Henzu Hobbyhorses | |
83 | Estetalli_Myrskytuuli | |
84 | Valonahorses | |
85 | KhtShinye & Kht Tiilitorppa | |
86 | Ratsutalli Metsäkruunu | |
87 | Niitty_Hobbyhorses | |
88 | Elly hobbyhorses | |
89 | Routarouncey | |
90 | Kilpatalli Terälehti | |
91 | Taikametsä | |
92 | Taideponi | |
93 | Tilliselleri | |
94 | Horses by A | |
95 | Kht Carosa & Silverstone Hobbyhorses | |
96 | Vaellustalli Aarnia & Virvatulenkeppihevoset | |
97 | Kht Happiness | |
98 | Toiveratsu | |
99 | Vehkan käsityö | |
100 | Lyydia | |
101 | Hymyilevähevonen | |
102 | Axmichorses |
Merchant's tables
There are a few different sizes of merchant tables available, and there is a fee for all tables. All sales items and decorations must fit on and under the designated table. Nothing is allowed to be placed on the aisles. Selling food is strictly prohibited. Selling anything outside the designated sales areas is strictly prohibited. Pre-agreed exchange situations are permitted. Your sales must not disturb others. If you think that, for example, there is going to be a congestion on your table that is blocking the passageways, please contact us. Finnish Hobbyhorse Championships or Finnish Hobbyhorse Association are not responsible for trade between merchants and visitors.
Merchants’ tables are distributed in the order of registration. This year there will be limited number of tables available for every type of table, and every type of table has its own registration form. The registration will close automatically when the limited number of tables have been registered. The amount of each table available will be published at the latest when the registration starts. When the main registration is full, we will open a registration for reserve spots. Reserve spots will be distributed in the order of registration. If a merchant from the main registration cancels their table, we will offer the table to the first on the reserve list. Please only register on the reserve list of the merchant table that you are ready to receive and pay for.
Merchants who have received a table will receive an invoice via email. Those who have had the table on the first registration or on the reserve registration must pay the invoice in 14 days after receiving the table. If the merchant’s table has not been paid by the due date, the place is considered vacant. Cancellation is free until April 30nd 2025 and after that the table fee is not refunded. In case of cancellation, please contact us via email
Stands and company tables are primarily aimed at companies (including 4H) and enthusiast tables, as the name suggests, for enthusiasts without a company.
Available tables and their prices:
- Stand table 4 x 160cm x 80cm (130€) (great location, ig-story ad, includes 2 tickets)
- Company table 3 x 160cm x 80cm (100€) (great location, ig-story ad, includes 2 tickets)
- Big enthusiast table 3 x 130cm x 50cm (80€) (includes 2 tickets)
- Enthusiast table 1 x 160cm x 80cm (60€) (includes 2 tickets)

Registering as a merchant
Registering as a merchant is done via Ilmari. For every size of table there is a corresponding registration form. So for example if you want to register for a enthusiast table, click on the link for an enthusiast table (Harrastajapaikka) form. In the form it also reads what size of table it is for. Make sure it is the one you want. Enthusiast table is Harrastajapaikka, Company table is Yrityspaikka and Stand table is Ständi.
When the main registration is full, we will open a registration for reserve spots. Reserve spots will be distributed in the order of registration. If a merchant from the main registration cancels their table, we will offer the table to the first on the reserve list. Please only register on the reserve list of the merchant table that you are ready to receive and pay for.
The registration is closed, but we still have few tables left. If you want to reserve table, please contact us as soon as possible Big enthusiast tables are unfortunately already sold out.
Distribution of merchants table, assistants and arrival on the day of the event
All merchant tables prices include 2 chairs and the entrance tickets for two (2) people. That means you can have two different merchants on one table, or if needed, one merchant can have an assistant come in with them. Both will get the merchant wristband and can enter the arena in advance.
If you want to share a table among, for example, three people, you have to buy and pay for a normal visitor ticket for the third. With a visitor ticket you are not allowed to enter the arena in advance. This year there are no carrying assistants. So the merchant has to manage on their own or with an assistant/other merchant.
Merchants will be admitted to enter Arena around 8.30 am.
The merchants will get in to the arena on the competition day at about 8.30. The merchants will get in from the Dressage hall’s (hall B) door. The sales area opens when the first visitors get inside. Before that, forming a line on the tables is prohibited as to prevent “poaching” items. The security staff along with event staff will supervise this heavily. When the doors open at 10.00, the merchants and their assistants need to be at their table ready to serve customers.
If you have any questions about the merchant tables Contact us