Doors open for visitors and competitors at 10 am! The entrance is through the A doors of the B-hall. There are three queues: ticket sales (left), advance tickets (middle) and others (right), see picture! In order for entry to go as smoothly as possible, please familiarize yourself with the instructions below.
Those who plan to buy a visitor ticket at the door go to the ticket sales queue on the left. First inside on the left is the ticket sales counter, where you can buy individual visitor tickets or family tickets. There is no advance ticket check or competitor lists at this counter.
Those with pre-purchased visitor tickets go to the middle queue. Inside, on the left, the second counter is the advance ticket checking counter. There are no ticket sales or competitor lists at this counter.
All those with their name on the lists go to the right-hand line: this applies to competitors, those on the VIP list, media representatives, and volunteers arriving later to the event. Their counters are located on the right side of the lobby. You get a wristband at the counter. There is no ticket sales or advance ticket checking at this counter.
Please put the bracelet you got from the counter on your wrist. NOTE! The bracelet has to be on the wrist. A wristband removed from the wrist is not valid. Children under 3 and personal assistants enter for free.